Home News Xi Jinping is hosting a high-profile forum in Beijing this week

Xi Jinping is hosting a high-profile forum in Beijing this week

3 min read

Chinese leader Xi Jinping is hosting a high-profile forum in Beijing this week, gathering world leaders from over 140 countries, including those from the Middle East and many Global South nations. The forum marks a significant milestone for Xi, as it coincides with the 10-year anniversary of the launch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which has been hailed as the country’s most important diplomatic event of the year.

The timing of this forum is crucial, particularly given the renewed conflict in Israel and Gaza, which threatens to destabilize the Middle East. While the United States has traditionally been the power broker in the region, China has been steadily increasing its influence and actively seeking to play a role in promoting peace.

Notably, the Chinese government has been tight-lipped about the details of the event, only announcing the dates six days prior to its start and refraining from releasing a list of attendees. It is likely that top leaders from major Western powers may be absent, as implied by a Chinese state-run media outlet earlier this year.

However, Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite his ongoing assault on Ukraine, is expected to attend. This highlights the complex dynamics of global instability and division that will undoubtedly be discussed during the forum.

While the Belt and Road Initiative has been primarily focused on funding infrastructure projects in developing countries, Chinese officials are expected to use this forum to pitch a broader vision for China’s impact on the world. This includes promoting an alternative to the liberal world order championed by democratic countries. Xi Jinping’s message is clear: the current US-led order has failed to bring peace and prosperity to many developing nations, and a new world order is necessary to address current and future challenges.

Xi Jinping aims to be seen as a capable leader who can convene world powers and deliver tangible outcomes during summits held in Beijing. One of the key objectives of this forum is to discuss reforming global governance and establish a clear path forward.

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