Home News Trump wants to become Speaker of the House until a successor is chosen

Trump wants to become Speaker of the House until a successor is chosen

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở Trump wants to become Speaker of the House until a successor is chosen

The former President of the United States, Donald Trump, has expressed his desire to temporarily hold the position of Speaker of the House until a replacement for the ousted House Speaker McCarthy is selected.

The selection process for a successor is currently underway in the US House of Representatives, following a vote to remove Speaker McCarthy based on a resolution submitted by a hardline Republican member.

Traditionally, the Speaker of the House is a member of the majority party, but the Constitution only states that “the House shall choose their Speaker and other officers,” without specifying any requirements for the Speaker.

In an interview with Fox News on the 5th, Trump stated that a Republican legislator had asked him to temporarily assume the role of Speaker if a replacement could not be found, and he said, “If necessary, I will do so,” indicating his willingness. Regarding the duration of his tenure as Speaker, he stated, “30, 60, 90 days.”

However, there is a rule within the Republican Party that stipulates that if you are indicted on a serious crime, you cannot hold the position of Speaker. If Trump, who has been indicted on 91 charges, including serious crimes, becomes Speaker, this rule would need to be changed.

It is also unclear whether Trump, who is currently engaged in campaigning for the upcoming presidential election and legal battles, has the time to preside over the House.

Meanwhile, on the 6th, Trump expressed his support for House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jordan, a close ally, on his social media platform.

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