Home News The US has ordered the deployment of additional aircraft carriers to the Eastern Mediterranean

The US has ordered the deployment of additional aircraft carriers to the Eastern Mediterranean

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở The US has ordered the deployment of additional aircraft carriers to the Eastern Mediterranean

The US Department of Defense has ordered the deployment of an additional aircraft carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean. This move is believed to be aimed at preventing further escalation between Israel and Hamas.

Defense Secretary Austin announced in a statement on the 14th that he had ordered the deployment of a carrier strike group, focused on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier, to the Eastern Mediterranean.

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the US Navy. The ship is named after former President Dwight D. Eisenhower and is part of the Atlantic Fleet.

Currently, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is operating in the Middle East region and has been deployed near Israel to provide support in the ongoing conflict in the area.

The US military has a carrier strike group focused on the modern nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford, in the Eastern Mediterranean, and another aircraft carrier will also join them.

A senior White House official stated that the deployment of the aircraft carrier strike group is aimed at deterring Hezbollah, a Shiite Islamist group based in Iran and Lebanon.

The US news outlet Axios reported on the 14th that Iran has warned Israel, “If this country launches a ground invasion into Gaza, we will have no choice but to respond”, implying increasing intervention and tensions. It is hoped that this will increase pressure on Iran and strengthen deterrence by deploying additional military forces.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticized Israel for preparing a large-scale attack on Gaza, stating that this action “goes beyond the scope of self-defense”.

On the 14th, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke on the phone with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal. Regarding Israel’s upcoming large-scale invasion of Gaza, he said, “This goes beyond the scope of self-defense.

We must respond to the calls of the international community and the United Nations Secretary-General and cease the indiscriminate punishment of the people of Gaza”. So far, China has not directly criticized the Hamas Islamist group for carrying out the rocket attacks. China has also announced that it will send special envoys to the countries concerned and call for a ceasefire, the protection of civilians, and peaceful negotiations.

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