Home News The Philippines and China claim sovereignty over the Second Thomas Shoal

The Philippines and China claim sovereignty over the Second Thomas Shoal

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở The Philippines and China claim sovereignty over the Second Thomas Shoal

Second Thomas Shoal has recently emerged as a flashpoint in the South China Sea. This disputed area, located in the Spratly Islands, is claimed by both the Philippines and China. Tensions have escalated as Chinese vessels have repeatedly harassed Filipino ships operating in the vicinity.

According to reports, a Philippine Coast Guard ship and a supply boat were recently hit by a Chinese vessel near Second Thomas Shoal. This incident and others like it have raised concerns about the potential for conflict in the region.

The strategic importance of Second Thomas Shoal cannot be underestimated. It is located in an area rich in natural resources and is also a crucial maritime route for trade. Furthermore, the shoal serves as a strategic outpost for any country that controls it, as it allows for greater influence and control over the surrounding waters.

The situation at Second Thomas Shoal has attracted significant attention from analysts and experts. Many believe that it could be the next flashpoint in the South China Sea, with the potential to escalate into a larger conflict between China and the Philippines, or even involve other regional powers such as the United States.

The emergence of Second Thomas Shoal as a flashpoint has also sparked debates and discussions on various platforms. Some have questioned the physical appearance of the shoal, while others have analyzed the political implications and potential consequences of the ongoing dispute.

In conclusion, the intensifying tensions at Second Thomas Shoal highlight the complex and volatile nature of the South China Sea dispute. The competing territorial claims and competing interests in the region make it a potential hotspot for conflict and a significant challenge to regional stability. It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold and whether diplomatic efforts will be able to mitigate the risks involved.

The 15th South China Sea International Conference, titled “Luminate the Grey, Light Up the Green,” was held in Ho Chi Minh City on October 25. The event was jointly organized by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and partner agencies. It brought together over 200 delegates in person and nearly 250 delegates via an online platform. Reputable experts from almost 20 countries, along with representatives from foreign agencies in Vietnam, participated in the conference.

Vietnam and ASEAN member states continue to strive for a regional order, including a stable, rules-based maritime space. Vietnam strongly supports the implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and the Vision for Maritime Cooperation, recently adopted by the bloc. The country also welcomes new initiatives that contribute to common goals through bilateral, multilateral, and new mechanisms.

The conference introduced several new elements in terms of ideas and organization. It included a dedicated discussion session among representatives from the Coast Guard forces of some coastal countries in the South China Sea, acknowledging their role in the region. Additionally, the conference elevated a separate session for young leaders in the region to a plenary session, aiming to raise awareness among the next generation about the significance of peace, cooperation, rule of law, and finding peaceful solutions to the South China Sea dispute.

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