Home News Biden says US will defend the Philippines if China attacks

Biden says US will defend the Philippines if China attacks

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President Biden has stated that the United States military stands ready to defend the Philippines against any attack from China, following a recent collision between ships from the two nations near a disputed island in the South China Sea.

Biden emphasized the ironclad defense agreement between the US and the Philippines, stating that any attack on Filipino aircraft, vessels, or armed forces would invoke the mutual defense treaty between the two countries.

The collision occurred near the Second Thomas Shoal, a strategically significant location in the South China Sea that is disputed by multiple countries, including China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan.

While Biden has generally taken a conciliatory approach towards China, he made it clear during a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese that the US is committed to defending its allies when their security is threatened.

The President emphasized the importance of competition with China but also stated that he is not seeking conflict.

It is worth noting that House Republicans have launched an impeachment inquiry into President Biden’s alleged involvement in his son Hunter and brother James Biden’s foreign business dealings, some of which involved ventures with Chinese government-linked companies.

Critics have faulted Biden for not pressing China for transparency regarding the origins of COVID-19 and for not strongly condemning China’s fentanyl exports, which have contributed to a record-high number of drug overdose deaths in the US.

According to various news sources, President Biden recently expressed a commitment to defend the Philippines in case of an attack by China. The statement came after a ship collision near a disputed island in the South China Sea. The incident has raised tensions in the region, as the Philippines has been trying to assert its sovereignty in the area.

The collision has further highlighted the ongoing tensions in the South China Sea, where China has been asserting control over disputed territories. These tensions have been a subject of concern for regional countries and international stakeholders. President Biden’s assurance to defend the Philippines is seen as a clear message to China about the US commitment to its allies in the region.

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