Home News Hamas received weapons from Iran through smuggling or local production

Hamas received weapons from Iran through smuggling or local production

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở Hamas received weapons from Iran through smuggling or local production

The United States’ Strategic Coordinator and Public Affairs Officer, Kirby, stated that they are currently in discussions with Israel and Egypt regarding the possibility of establishing a humanitarian corridor to ensure the safety of civilians and to provide access for the Palestinian people to humanitarian aid. However, he could not provide specific information about the route at this time.

The situation in the Gaza Strip, an autonomous region of Palestine, remains tense due to Israeli airstrikes and the blockade of infrastructure. The World Health Organization (WHO) has received numerous calls for the creation of a humanitarian corridor for aid, as hospitals in Gaza are facing the risk of running out of fuel within a few days.

In this context, there is information suggesting that Hamas has received weapons from Iran through smuggling or local production. This incident has increased pressure and tension in the region, as Hamas has carried out coordinated attacks resulting in casualties in Israel and thousands of others injured.

The governments of Israel and the United States have not found direct evidence of Iran’s role in Hamas’s recent attacks. However, experts believe that Iran has long provided significant military support to Hamas through weapon smuggling via tunnels and ships.

Hamas’s attacks have raised concerns from Israel, Egypt, and other countries. The deployment and execution of these attacks are believed to be complex, requiring planning, movement, arrangement, and firing of thousands of rockets while avoiding intelligence agencies’ surveillance. Some analysts suggest that Iran may play a crucial role in guiding and supporting Hamas in carrying out these attacks.

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