Home News Chinese President Xi Jinping meets top US senator Mr. Schumer

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets top US senator Mr. Schumer

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở Chinese President Xi Jinping meets top US senator Mr. Schumer

Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with the leader of the majority in the US Senate, Mr Schumer during his visit to China. According to AP news agency, Schumer expressed his “disappointment” with China’s failure to specifically condemn Hamas and emphasized that “China should support Israel.”

However, according to Chinese media, President Xi stated that the US-China relationship is the “most important bilateral relationship that will determine the fate of humanity” and that the two sides should cooperate instead of confront each other.

Currently, the US and China are trying to arrange a high-level meeting at the upcoming APEC summit next month, and this meeting is considered an important preparation for both sides.

According to a statement by top diplomat Wang, it is hoped that the US and China can manage their differences rationally. This highlights the importance of finding common ground and resolving disputes through constructive dialogue and negotiation.

The US-China relationship has experienced various complexities and developments over time. The Biden administration has been actively engaging with China, with Secretary Blinken visiting the People’s Republic of China to promote open communication and address areas of concern.

The trade relationship between the two countries has been a contentious issue, with trade disputes and negotiations impacting the overall bilateral relations. However, both nations have expressed willingness to work towards a more balanced and mutually beneficial trade environment.

It is essential to understand the historical background and evolution of US-China relations to comprehend the current dynamics. A timeline of events and key milestones provides a broader context for the challenges and opportunities that have shaped the relationship.

In official statements from China, it is evident that they prioritize stability, cooperation, and peaceful development in their interactions with the US. These statements highlight the need for mutual respect, equal treatment, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.

Overall, the provided resources offer valuable insights into the complexities and nuances of the US-China relationship, including diplomatic efforts, trade disputes, and approaches taken by both countries.

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