Home News China calls on the US to play a role in promoting peace in the East Sea

China calls on the US to play a role in promoting peace in the East Sea

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Senior officials from the United States and China recently held a meeting to discuss their concerns regarding maritime activity in the South China Sea. Both sides emphasized the importance of dialogue and open lines of communication to address contentious issues in the region. The meeting also seems to have set the stage for a potential meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping during the upcoming APEC summit.

Mark Lambert, the US State Department’s China Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Secretary for China and Taiwan, met with Hong Liang, China’s Director-General for Boundary and Ocean Affairs, in Beijing. The meeting aimed to address ongoing tensions in the South China Sea.

The statement issued after the meeting highlighted US concerns over China’s “dangerous and unlawful actions in the South China Sea.” The US specifically mentioned China’s obstruction of a Philippine military resupply mission in October. These actions are seen as a threat to regional peace and stability.

China’s foreign ministry expressed serious concerns about what it perceives as US “incitement to support infringements and provocations by parties” in the South China Sea. Despite this, the ministry called on the US to play a constructive role in promoting peace and stability in the region. Both countries agreed to explore avenues for mutually beneficial cooperation by strengthening dialogue and communication.

The meeting in Beijing is believed to lay the groundwork for a potential meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping during the upcoming APEC summit in San Francisco. This meeting would provide an opportunity for the leaders of both nations to further discuss and address the escalating tensions in the South China Sea.

The recent meeting between US and Chinese officials reflects the shared concerns over maritime activities in the South China Sea. While the US expressed its worries about China’s actions, China called for the US to play a constructive role in promoting peace and stability in the region. The meeting in Beijing is seen as a step toward a potential meeting between President Biden and President Xi during the APEC summit, offering an opportunity for high-level discussions and engagement on the South China Sea issue.

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