Home News US warships successfully intercepted many cruise missiles in the Red Sea

US warships successfully intercepted many cruise missiles in the Red Sea

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A US warship on October 19 successfully intercepted multiple cruise missiles and drones launched by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, which were reportedly targeting Israel.

The US Navy destroyer USS Carney in the Red Sea intercepted three cruise attack missiles and approximately eight drones. The missiles and drones were shot down at sea, and the initial assessment indicates that the USS Carney was not the intended target, and its crew is safe.

In response to this incident, US President Biden announced an “unprecedented aid package” that includes support for Israel and Ukraine. The aid package, valued at 100 billion USD includesaround 10 billion in aid to Israel, with a focus on enhancing the Iron Dome air defense system.

President Biden also emphasized the importance of continuing support for Ukraine, stating that withdrawing support would be turning their back on Israel.

Meanwhile, a Pentagon report on China’s military power reveals that China has more than 500 active nuclear warheads, surpassing previous estimates.

China is rapidly modernizing its military and expanding its ability to project power across the Pacific region and globally. The report highlights China’s advancements in land, air, sea, cyber, and space warfare.

China has also completed the construction of three new long-range ballistic missile sites and is exploring the development of conventionally armed long-range missiles that can reach the United States.

The increasing military aggression displayed by China is not limited to Taiwan or its neighboring countries. Chinese military pilots have engaged in “coercive and risky” behavior towards US aircraft flying over the East China and South China Sea.

The US has expressed frustration with China’s lack of engagement in high-level military channels, although some contacts continue at the working level.

China’s use of military power to assert its claims of sovereignty in the South China Sea and beyond, including Taiwan, has been a growing concern.

In recent years, the Chinese military has escalated its aggressive actions towards Taiwan, such as conducting ballistic missile overflights, flying military aircraft into Taiwan’s aerial identification zone, and holding major exercises near the island.

Although Chinese President Xi Jinping has expressed his desire for the peaceful unification of Taiwan with China, he has not renounced the use of military force to achieve this goal. This has alarmed many observers, as it indicates that China is willing to employ military means if necessary.

Furthermore, China’s military has also been increasingly aggressive towards US aircraft flying over the East and South China Sea. There have been over 180 incidents where Chinese jets came dangerously close to US military aircraft, in some cases within 20 feet. These actions are seen as part of a centralized and concerted campaign to coerce a change in lawful US operational activities.

US defense officials have expressed frustration over China’s unwillingness to engage in high-level military-to-military channels. However, there have been some communications at the working level, such as briefings on cyber strategy and meetings between high-ranking officials.

The situation in the South China Sea remains a point of contention for the international community, including Europe and ASEAN countries. The territorial disputes in the region, particularly the Spratly Islands dispute, have raised tensions and concerns. China’s militarization of islands in the South China Sea has been criticized, as it undermines regional stability and freedom of navigation.

In conclusion, China’s use of military power to assert its sovereignty claims in the South China Sea and towards Taiwan, as well as its aggressive behavior towards US aircraft, has raised significant concerns. Concerted efforts are needed to promote open lines of communication and find peaceful resolutions to these disputes.

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