Home News The Chinese military will never allow Taiwan to separate

The Chinese military will never allow Taiwan to separate

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở The Chinese military will never allow Taiwan to separate

During the Xiangshan Forum, an international security conference held in Beijing, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, Zhang Yixia, delivered a speech reaffirming the Chinese military’s stance on Taiwan.

Zhang stated, “The Chinese military will never allow anyone or any form to separate Taiwan from China. We will never be negligent.” This warning was directed towards the United States, whose Department of Defense officials were in attendance.

Vice President Zhang Miaochia, speaking at the opening ceremony, emphasized the need to avoid provoking serious issues in light of the United States’ actions regarding Taiwan. It was clear that the Chinese side wanted to prevent any escalation of tensions.

Meng Xiangqing, a professor at China’s National Defense University, shared his perspective on the potential improvement of Sino-US relations.

He mentioned that if relations between the two countries were to normalize, various exchanges, including military ones, would continue to grow. This indicated a willingness to engage in constructive interactions.

Additionally, a professor from the National Defense University under the Ministry of People’s Liberation Army commented on Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to the United States. The professor highlighted the positive stance both countries have taken on this issue, indicating that they can engage in frank and constructive discussions.

Overall, the speeches and comments at the Xiangshan Forum showcased China’s determination to maintain the territorial integrity of Taiwan and its hope for improved relations with the United States.

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