Home News China strengthens cooperative relations with Australia

China strengthens cooperative relations with Australia

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Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Australian Prime Minister Albanese, who is visiting Beijing, to discuss and seek improvements in the relations between the two countries. This meeting took place on the 6th of November and was focused on restoring and strengthening various exchanges between China and Australia.

President Xi, as emphasized by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, acknowledged the progress made in revitalizing relations between the two nations. He stated, “Exchanges in many different fields between the two countries have been restored, and we are on the right track to improve relations.” This signifies the efforts being made to overcome the differences that have strained the relationship in the past.

In recent times, China and Australia have faced disagreements, including controversies surrounding the investigation into the origins of the new coronavirus. However, since Prime Minister Albanese assumed office in May, there has been a significant improvement in the relationship between the two countries. This meeting with President Xi is a testament to the positive steps being taken towards greater understanding and cooperation.

Furthermore, President Xi also highlighted China’s commitment to inclusivity. He stated that China will not create exclusive groups and referred to the “Quad” cooperation framework involving Australia, Japan, the United States, and India. President Xi’s message emphasized the need for cooperation and caution against any efforts that may undermine stability in the Asia-Pacific region. He affirmed that China is against any attempts to sabotage the region’s progress.

The meeting between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Albanese signifies the mutual desire of both countries to improve relations and strengthen collaboration. This positive development is a welcomed step towards fostering better understanding and cooperation between China and Australia.

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