Home News China accused the US destroyer of provocation in the East Sea

China accused the US destroyer of provocation in the East Sea

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Chức năng bình luận bị tắt ở China accused the US destroyer of provocation in the East Sea

China’s defense ministry recently released footage showing what they claim to be evidence of harassment by a US warship in the South China Sea. According to the ministry, the video was recorded in August during routine training near the Xisha Islands, which China claims as its territory.

The video depicts a US destroyer crossing the bow of a Chinese destroyer. Subtitles in the video suggest that the US warship made a sharp turn and sudden acceleration, coming as close as 670 meters to Chinese ships. The Chinese defense ministry asserts that this behavior violated international regulations and an agreement on unplanned encounters between the two countries.

Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian stated that the US side provoked and stirred up trouble by coming to China’s doorstep. He emphasized that China will take all necessary measures to defend its sovereignty, security, and maritime rights and interests.

Some observers interpret China’s release of this footage as an attempt to counter US claims of dangerous maneuvers by Chinese military planes over the East and South China seas. The United States had previously shared footage of what it described as an “unsafe and unprofessional” intercept by Chinese aircraft.

US President Biden and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met during Wang’s visit to the US. The meeting focused on the importance of maintaining dialogue between the US and China. President Biden emphasized the need for responsible management of competition in the areas of security, economics, and maintaining dialogue. He also highlighted the importance of addressing global challenges, such as climate change, through collaboration between the two countries. President Biden expressed his condolences on the passing of former Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

The US and Chinese governments are working towards a summit between President Biden and President Xi Jinping, coinciding with the APEC meeting in San Francisco next month. Wang Yi’s visit to the United States is seen as a step towards finalizing the arrangements for the summit and stabilizing US-China relations.

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